Search: pizza


I know at times like this, I’m suppose to resort to less labour-intensive tasks in the kitchen, a pasta-salad perhaps, or a one-bowl-pancake mix with added sparkles, maybe even the unthinkable salad, to hide the scars from this tragic embarrassment, and more importantly, look really hot while doing it.  But no.  In an counter-protest to...


I must admit, my belated appreciation for the hype of Xi’an Famous Foods, was a slow, reversed progression. Six years ago before we left New York, it wasn’t yet a thing over there.  Then after six years of looming around Hong Kong and then now Beijing, I barely noticed its presence let alone recognizing it as an established “food...


“IF YOU GOT SOMETHING AGAINST SWIMSUITS… THIS IS A GOOD WAY TO TALK EVERYONE ELSE OUT OF IT” WOW… I mean… just WOW…  I know it looks like I should be addressing my every bit of amazement to this fine specimen of frozen dessert right now, which really doesn’t need anybody’s introduction to be quite honest...


” …WHOPPING 90% HYDRATION… SPRUNG LIBERATED OUT OF THE FOUNTAIN OF SECRET DOUGHS “ ALTHOUGH extremely rare, there are recipes that seem theoretically impossible at first, but somehow just come smooth-sailing under the first trial.  They make recipe-developers feel invincible even just temporarily, like the lighthouse of success glowing just over the foreseeable shore.  Handshakes with Batali and cold...


“Tonight… LET’S SET THE WORLD ON FIRE” I guess… it really isn’t a secret what unnecessary gimmicks I’ve been occupying myself with in the last couple days.  Hello, my  name is Mandy and I’m a theme-aholic.  In fact, I’m a theme-aholic who also happens to be, tech-intolerant.  Like an alcoholic who’s allergic to alcohol, an...


Do you have things that you tried and tried and tried making, and it.  Just.  Doesn’t.  Work?  In the kitchen, I call them my culinary nemesis, and they can be summed up by two words, “chewy” and “layers”.  You whisper these words to my ears in the middle of the night… I pee my pants.


For the innocent sake of running an adequate food-blog, I’ve been slowly sucked down to a rabbit hole passing the disorienting stage of flying pies and falling biscuits, deep down to the world of cultivating gas-farting micro-organism on my kitchen counter (quite deep when you actually think about it).  My falling journey has brought to you...

summer and couscous in istanbul

I’m never much of a person of faith and spirituality.  Evidently since Jason and I started slowly leaving our footprints around the world, we left an obvious trail seeking gastronomic truth instead of spiritual babble, pinning destinations on the map not for the yearning to hear the echoes bouncing off the cold marbles of St....

Improved Smoked Cheese Risotto

I have a severe case of post-vacation depression. NOT that I don’t miss my kids achingly on each and every trip, and want to tell’em about places where they could potentially live in the next life where they’d be allowed into every eateries (woof!) and crumbs shops PATISERIES (woof! woooof!). But for reasons beyond me,...


(ENGLISH) 我想這篇東西見日光的時候,這世界已經踏入 2013 年了。那就,新年快樂吧各位。希望在克服萬難之下,煙火都 被擋住 看到了,香檳也 灑了 開了,陌生人也 打架 親了,新年期許也 忘記 完成了。不過老實告訴大家,我從來就不是一個慶祝我謹剩的膠原蛋白又和另一個年頭私奔去了的人。而說到“象徵性期許”嘛,我從來也不懂爲什麽要等到 12 月?哪裏來的美國時間啊?對一個新開始的希望一定要在這一刻如果不是上一刻,馬上開始,才能夠在明天中午之前就地腰斬。昨天晚上我跟我的大腿說“夠了你們!”,今天晚上床頭就放了荔枝軟糖。你看,效率嘛。 所以 上個月 去年呢,當我將一塊最夯的麵包 – 夯到我都不想告訴你們它其實是比薩,因爲它超越了那些先入爲主的觀念 – 放到我的嘴巴裏時,任何一個人在這麽完美的 timing 之下都會說“我的新年期許就是成功地在家裏複製這個!”的時候,我說“不!”。這麽美好的東西怎麽可以等到下一年呢?在家裏複製它的失敗一定要發生在 2012 年。2013 年是用來讓其他東西失望的! 不過我並沒有。失敗那是。我真的做了。 滴滴答答幾個人可能發現我們剛才羅馬回來。我是不會誇張到說這趟旅程打開我們世界裏的另一扇窗啦,不過它關上了一個是肯定的,那就是我之前對紐約新比薩教父 – Jim Lahey 的讚嘆。我有絕對的理由對 Lahey 衷心耿耿,基於在紐約的時候辦公室離他大名耿耿的 Sullivan St. Bakery 只有幾條街,而它的 pizza bianca (白比薩)至情至義地陪伴我度過多少自我唾棄的下午,和多次想要拿筆筒丟我老闆的衝動。這份恩情連到了羅馬,吃了幾個也許不相上下的 pizza bianca 后都無法忘記和動搖。直到我走進了  Bonci’s。 然後就… “對不起了,兄弟 Lahey”。Bonci’s 的比薩皮簡直是神奇的。雖然他的名氣許多來自于他充滿創造力的比薩配料,但是那些凡間的東西都無法掩飾他的比薩麵糰才是神來一筆 – 兩層薄脆如薯片的表層,夾著無比柔軟但竟又有咬勁的裏層。那綿綿密密,幾乎半透明的麵糰組織層層交叉地佈滿了那些製作過程裏辛苦保存下來的拱形氣包中。我是不會無情到馬上叫 Lahey 的麵糰到板凳上涼去,我確定它還是有它派得上用場的時候(薄比薩,或是配料才是主角的時候),但這個當我們在討論  bianca 的時候,Bonci 正式榮登新教父。 分量:兩個 12″/30...


(ENGLISH) 我想这篇东西见日光的时候,这世界已经踏入 2013 年了。那就,新年快乐吧各位。希望在克服万难之下,烟火都 被挡住 看到了,香槟也 洒了 开了,陌生人 也打架 亲了,新年期许也 忘记 完成了。不过老实告诉大家,我从来就不是一个庆祝我谨剩的胶原蛋白又和另一个年头私奔去了的人。而说到“象征性期许”嘛,我从来也不懂为什么要等到12 月?哪里来的美国时间啊?对一个新开始的希望一定要在这一刻如果不是上一刻,马上开始,才能够在明天中午之前就地腰斩。昨天晚上我跟我的大腿说“够了你们!”,今天晚上床头就放了荔枝软糖。你看,效率嘛。 所以 上个月 去年呢,当我将一块最夯的面包- 夯到我都不想告诉你们它其实是比萨,因为它超越了那些先入为主的观念- 放到我的嘴巴里时,任何一个人在这么完美的 timing 之下都会说“我的新年期许就是成功地在家里复制这个!”的时候,我说“不!”。这么美好的东西怎么可以等到下一年呢?在家里复制它的失败一定要发生在 2012 年。 2013 年是用来让其他东西失望的! 不过我并没有。失败那是。我真的做了。     滴滴答答几个人可能发现我们刚才罗马回来。我是不会夸张到说这趟旅程打开我们世界里的另一扇窗啦,不过它关上了一个是肯定的,那就是我之前对纽约新比萨教父 –  Jim Lahey 的赞叹。我有绝对的理由对 Lahey 衷心耿耿,基于在纽约的时候办公室离他大名耿耿的 Sullivan St. Bakery 只有几条街,而它的 pizza bianca (白比萨)至情至义地陪伴我度过多少自我唾弃的下午,和多次想要拿笔筒丢我老板的冲动。这份恩情连到了罗马,吃了几个也许不相上下的 pizza bianca 后都无法忘记和动摇。直到我走进了 Bonci’s。   然后就… “对不起了,兄弟 Lahey”。 Bonci’s 的比萨皮简直是神奇的。虽然他的名气许多来自于他充满创造力的比萨配料,但是那些凡间的东西都无法掩饰他的比萨面团才是神来一笔- 两层薄脆如薯片的表层,夹着无比柔软但竟又有咬劲的里层。那绵绵密密,几乎半透明的面团组织层层交叉地布满了那些制作过程里辛苦保存下来的拱形气包中。我是不会无情到马上叫 Lahey 的面团到板凳上凉去,我确定它还是有它派得上用场的时候(薄比萨,或是配料才是主角的时候),但这个当我们在讨论 bianca 的时候,Bonci 正式荣登新教父。   分量:两个 12″/30 cm...

Slice of Bonci’s

(简体)(繁體) I assumed that by the time this post is published, the world has crossed into the year 2013.  So happy new year, guys.  I hope that against all odds, fireworks were blocked enjoyed, champagnes were spilled popped, strangers fought kissed, and resolutions dismissed fulfilled.  But truth be told, I am never one to celebrate...