Search: mochi

Mochi Brownie

I chose this to be one of the away-from-home-super-short-post collection for a reason – I don’t feel like explaining it.  You either know and share a great passion, or even obsession in some cases  for what this “mochi” is, or you don’t.  No words I can say will convert you from one side to the other.


Then OH RIGHT!   Of course.  Silly me. Makes: 7 small biscuits Ingredients: Caramel apple/wet ingredient: 1/2 cup (154 grams) of granulated sugar 1/4 cup (61 grams) of apple juice 1 1/2 cup (185 grams/approx 2 small apples) of small-diced baking apple 1/4 tsp of sea salt 1/8 tsp of ground cinnamon 1/8 tsp of ground...