Rome Tag

arugula ricotta greetings


OK fine, people.  Just… just get it off your chest now.  Come on, go’on.  Just do it.  (….. “BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS!!!“….)  Sigh…  Yeah, happy  now?  That’s real mature, guys…  May I get on with business now?  Yeah?  OK, so I want to talk about something amazing we had in Ro…  (“BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BAAALLS!!“)…

……  Grow up.


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The Way Rome Intended…


I opened my eyes and stared into a rustic, antique wooden-ceiling.  It's an unusually early hour for me to wake up to but both the street-washing vehicle just outside the window and my jetlag demanded it.  This was a morning as routine as any.  We woke up, cleaned ourselves and got dressed.  But instead of a solitary morning of me courting my coffee machine, we walked down one flight of antique stone-steps into another world and strolled to the piazza-next-door for a cup of cappuccino with anticipations of company.  People were there as promised, gathering in front of the cafe bar chatting.  We funneled through the cappuccino crowd as you would in a big family getting through the morning in an orderly chaos.  Two cappuccinos, one cornetto.  As usual.


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A Roman Daydream

So, here it goes.

I’m going to start this story by making a confession.  I have…never been to Rome.

I forged this recipe after the Rome episode from my favorite travel channel host, Anthony Bourdain’s show, “The Layover“.  His show is one of the humble luxury I have being here, that I get to pay $20 on iTune which would otherwise be free in the US.  No no no, Slingbox doesn’t work here.  If the internet in China is personified it would be a 800 year-old granny with walking stick that is broken.


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