restaurants Tag

The Way Rome Intended…


I opened my eyes and stared into a rustic, antique wooden-ceiling.  It's an unusually early hour for me to wake up to but both the street-washing vehicle just outside the window and my jetlag demanded it.  This was a morning as routine as any.  We woke up, cleaned ourselves and got dressed.  But instead of a solitary morning of me courting my coffee machine, we walked down one flight of antique stone-steps into another world and strolled to the piazza-next-door for a cup of cappuccino with anticipations of company.  People were there as promised, gathering in front of the cafe bar chatting.  We funneled through the cappuccino crowd as you would in a big family getting through the morning in an orderly chaos.  Two cappuccinos, one cornetto.  As usual.


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Paris, Where Have You Been All My Life?

Just the fact that they didn’t compromise the integrity of the city for real estate, makes me kind of believe in (sorry…) socialism.  Apparently all buildings except for one (ewww… Trump, is that you?) in central Paris cannot exceed 6 stories tall.  So what?  It unveils the vastest, most beautiful sky I have ever seen in an urban setting.  New York, I love you, but you ain’t got a ceiling this nice.  My pitiful collection of vocabularies fails miserably.  Just look at it!  Carefree clouds floating in a mesmerizing, SOUL-SUCKING blue.  Tell me that doesn’t look like a Pixar’s movie!, in which I’d be the ghost of an old lady happily traveling in a balloon-lifted house…


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